People Join together for a number
of reasons in voluntary organization: for mutual
entertainment, for protection, or for professional reasons.
There are sports clubs, trade unions, consumer societies, political
associations, and many more. The degree of richness of any society lies
partly in the variety of the voluntary organization it promotes.
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receipt and payment account is a summarized
cash book
(cash and bank) for a given period". or "This is simply a
summary of the cash transactions as in the
cash book,
analyzed and classified under suitable headings,
including the opening and closing balances.
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Receipt and payment account is usually
prepared with the help of cash book. However
there are many point of difference between these
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transactions relating to non-profit-seeking concerns
like Club, Library etc. are recorded in the books of
account strictly according to
Double Entry System. At the year-end result is
determined through Final Accounts.
here to read more.